We Need Your Help!

On May 23rd the House Agriculture Committee voted in the Miller Amendment in the 2024 Farm Bill. This amendment was thrown in less than 24 hours before the Farm Bill was voted on in the House of Representatives. House Agriculture Committee Chairman G.T. Thompson grouped it “en bloc” with several other amendments and subjected them to a voice vote, which passed.

We are certain that the push to destroy the hemp industry is coming from big MSO marijuana. One of our goals is to support and bring legislation that puts Tennesseans first, to protect businesses and consumers from large cooperation’s from flooding the market.

In summary, the Miller Amendment changes the definition of hemp in the Agriculture Marketing Act of 1946 to only include naturally occurring, naturally derived and non-intoxicating cannabinoids. You can read the full amendment here.

This amendment will bring prohibition all non-intoxicating CBD products with any quantifiable amount of THC – meaning 90-95% of the hemp products market would be federally banned.

Contact Congress TODAY!

NOW is the time to contact congress! We need to urge our leaders to vote NO on the Farm Bill if the hemp killing language is included! Find your leaders below and send them the pre-written letter to let them know that our demand!

US Tennessee Senators:

  • Marsha Blackburn (R) - 357 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 | (202) 224-3344 |

  • Bill Hagerty (R) - Russell Senate Office Building Room 251 Washington, DC 20002 | (202)-224-4944 | Email Form

US House of Representatives:

  • Diana Harshbarger (R) - District 1 (North East TN) - 167 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 225-6356 | Email Form

  • Tim Burchett (R) - District 2 (North East TN) - 1122 Longworth HOB Washington, DC  20515 | (202) 225-5435 |

  • Chuck Fleischmann (R) - District 3 (East TN) - 2187 Rayburn House Office Building Washington,DC  20515 | (202) 225-3271 |

  • Scott DesJarlais (R) - District 4 (Southern Mid TN) - 2304 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 225-6831 |

  • Andrew Ogles (R) - District 5 (Mid TN) - 151 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC  20515 | (202) 225-4311 |

  • John Rose (R) - District 6 (Northern Mid TN) - 2238 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC  20515 | (202) 225-4231 |

  • Mark Green (R) - District 7 (Western Mid TN) - 2446 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 225-2811 |

  • David Kustoff (R) - District 8 (West TN) - 560 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC  20515 | (202) 225-4714 | Email Form

  • Steve Cohen (D) - District 9 (Memphis) - 2268 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC  20515 | (202) 225-3265 | Email Form

Tennessee Representative John Rose (R- District 6) went on public record to SUPPORT the hemp killing bill! Watch the hearing here!

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